Patriarchy or Matriarchy?

Zephyr Taylor
4 min readOct 7, 2016


I have often thought that I personally am living through this little tiny window of history. That just prior to my birth, women had somewhat equal rights for the first time in history, but still didn’t fully exercise them or know how to use them. And allowed themselves, generally, to be culturally biased from acting too far from historical norms. But that is finally giving way and I think women of my generation, and the next generation, are taking more advantage of what equal rights actually means, and I think shaking off the last of the culturally restricting, but not legally restricting, constraints.

My friends and I talk about this tiny window of history. What are we going to do with it? Are we going to blow it, or take advantage of it while it lasts.

And we’re going to TRY to take advantage of it while it lasts.

Unfortunately, my friends are idiots and they constantly lose sight of the mission and slip into historical patterns, romanticism and sentimentality. But I don’t, or at least I don’t as often as my friends do. But you have to keep up the discipline. And more women will. Particularly when they have more role models.

This whole thing will come crashing down some day. But probably not in our lifetimes. And it will not just come crashing down for women, but also for smart pussies like Nate Silver, Karl Rove, Scott Adams, Michael Moore, and Marco Rubio and all the political, tech and other nerds out there. It will be Stanley McChrystal and Nassim Taleb’s time again, a return to the laws of the jungle, with pockets of civilized society, and they will rule.

Until then, I do everything I can to rule my own world and get my idiot friends to rule theirs. Not because I think it’s “right” or fair, or that I believe in a Matriarchal society or that I hate men or believe in anything frankly, but simply because we should not blow this tiny window that is likely to close. It’s hard to keep the discipline, and it’s hard to remember all the time, but I try. And, like I say above, my friends are as aware of it as I am (because I hound them) but they don’t try as hard as I do.

So, for awhile, and maybe for my lifetime (I hope), women won’t act like men want them to. Men who read history books and novels and want women to act like women are likely to have a tough time in the next 100+ years. Women will act like women when it suits them, and not when it doesn’t. And all of the cultural punditry about “proper” or “civil” or “roles” will just breeze through our hair causing hardly a ruffle. But I’m not pretending that this is anything other than it is, which is a moment in history, and not likely to last, and there is nothing that the nervous men can do about it, and all of the wishing in the world will not wish it away.

So you can see society as moving in more of a Matriarchal direction, which it is, But that is missing the point, and whining I think. It’s moving equally quickly in any number of un-muscular directions. Look at Nate Silver and Mark Zuckerberg. Both pussies, and both dominating their worlds.

Successful men are beginning to see that with all of their money and power, it still leaves him without the ability to exercise the kind of control they would have had over women in the past, unless they want to break about 100 laws and suffer irreparable reputational damage. They might see this, then, as a Matriarchal development.

But if you take sex out of the equation, does it still seem like a Matriarchal direction, or more of an un-muscular direction? And sex and pussies and tits give us an advantage right now, a big advantage, but how much of an advantage will it be when the sex robot VR gets refined and perfected? It’s getting pretty close, and then men will be getting perfectly adequate sexual gratification from non-women. So I don’t see how this advantage is really relevant in the long run.

It will be, in the end, about cleverness, brains and energy regardless of sex. Weaklings Nate Silver and Scott Adams will still rule their small dominions, and have their sex robots, and have just as many women friends as male friends, and won’t want to go to all the trouble of trying to bed the smart chick with the big tits and brains (yes I know Nate is gay, I’m generalizing here, use your imagination). But they will want to be her friend because she is smart and good company, and they can program their robot after lunch anyway, to talk, act, and perform as they imagine the blond would have if they still could control her. And it will be even better than the smart blond since the man won’t have his performance anxiety, and the blond won’t disappoint.



Zephyr Taylor

I’m just a girl with a big brain and no role models trying to figure things out