Why get mad at Trump?

Zephyr Taylor
2 min readNov 11, 2016


Get mad at the democratic party. They’re the ones that put a flawed candidate up for election when they had some great alternatives.

Has Hillary ever told the truth about anything? Why did she vote for the Iraq war? Why did she support NAFTA and TPP? What did she say to Goldman Sachs? Why did she delete all of her emails?

It’s not like the Democrats gave us a splendid alternative.

Most Republicans didn’t want to vote for Trump, as you all know. They just didn’t want to vote for Hillary worse.

Most democrats didn’t want to vote for Hillary. They wanted to vote for Bernie. And if they couldn’t have Bernie, they held their noses and voted for Trump.

Why blame Trump because people voted FOR him. Blame Hillary and the DNC because people DIDN’T vote for her.

The fact is that most people care more about what people do than what they say. And the media care more about what people say than what they do.

Voters don’t really give a shit what Trump says. They care what they think he’s going to do. They are sick of Hillary blowing sunshine up their asses and then voting to send their children to war and their jobs overseas.



Zephyr Taylor

I’m just a girl with a big brain and no role models trying to figure things out